The story is rather simple. It follows the tale of a young boy and his horse as they try to take down 16 colossi to undo the death of young women whose relationship to the main character in unclear.
Clarity isn’t something this game is found of but, that is also a big part of its appeal. You really cant tell if you should or shouldn’t be killing the majestic creatures. They are both beautiful and deadly. And though some rather impressive artificial intelligence, they also seem full of life. They are lumbering giants that somehow connect to the player like a living animal world.
In this regard, Shadow of the Colossus is pure genius. The game is absolutely gorgeous to watch, with some of the best particle effect I have ever seen from the Playstation 2. Dust blinds your view, water spews from geysers in a spectacular display, and your blade cut a tunnel of light across the sky in artistic fashion. It truly is breathtaking.
Unfortunately, the gameplay is not nearly as tight as the rest of the package. While each colossus is a feet to the climb as you try to scheme your way from one side to the other, many portions of the gameplay are lacking. Most notable is the interaction between the players and the giant moving platforms that are the colossi. Basically, you have to hold onto the beasts as they try to kick you off. By holding the R1 you get a firm grip, but as the titan moves it forces odd camera angles, and your hold on it goes this way and that.