UK as a first world country is still very backward considering the broadband factor. Only recently has the government approved on the extensive usage of fiber optic in the country to increase the speed of the internet, which will make your online games more enjoyable. Few days back the maximum speed provided by the internet companies were a 6.4 mbps. This speed has been upgraded to 20mbps and extensive fiber optic installation would mean much increased speed rate.

In today’s world everything is done on the computer and all forms of communication are done through the internet. It has become one of the major necessities of the public at large. Thus people are switching from their old and primitive dial up connections towards faster broadband, broadband also helps in faster download of text, graphics, music, computer games, video and lots more. Faster streaming internet radios, TV, games, voice over phone calls etc are also an important part of broadband

Broadband can be widely divided into two types. One is the wireless form another is connection via the telephone network or cable network. In the case of the latter, the speed may vary depending how far the user is away from the main exchange. The speed may also be up during off peak hours and down during peak hours which are usually during the mid day. In this form of connectivity one has to be stationed in constant place and connect a wire to the laptop or pc in order to get the connectivity.

The wireless form of internet is the famous mobile internet. In this form of connectivity internet is availed through the mobile networks. There are many positive sides to this form of internet connectivity especially the availability is of main concern. The installation procedure is extremely easy and trouble free, the installation procedure doesn’t even require a CD nowadays. The mobile network companies use their network to provide the internet connection, now these companies have switched over to 3G allowing them to provided faster speed and thus easier streaming of videos and text.

Broadband has made the life easier for all people whether employed or unemployed, young or old, additionally mobile wireless internet has made life even more convenient. The mobile networks are available almost everywhere similarly the broadband internet connectivity is also available everywhere. If someone is inside a tube and needs to work from there they can simply connect in with their mobile internet device which almost looks like a pen drive and send work almost instantly. These also make it easy for lover’s f online games, to connect and play games with high speed.

Thus broadband has helped people to become more efficient and helped them in multitasking. It is no longer required to sit in the office for long hours to work. People can move while they do their work, laptops and wireless internet has helped increase productivity by ten folds.