FallOut Boy would totally compliment greek mythology.

Aspiring Billboard musicians: landing yourself on the soundtrack for God of War 2 probably isn’t the big break you were looking for — but hey, it’s a start. Sony, in conjunction with EmoSpa…MySpace, is hosting a virtual battle of the bands in order to award one lucky artist the chance to reign alongside Kratos.

Interested parties should head on over to MySpace page for the contest, where you can begin uploading. The top 50 songs in the first round will be narrowed to 10 by the developmers, before voting commences.

At that point, the song with the highest number of clicks will make it into God of War 2. To the future winner(s): you song better rock, or else you’ll have bitter gamers flaming you on your Myspace page. We both know you don’t want that.
Source: gametab.com